Water Tank Maintenance Vital Expense for Water Tank Companies!

Other than the actual purchase of the vessels themselves, water tank maintenance is the most important expenditure that companies a water tank company must budget for.

Maintenance, including regular inspections by qualified water tank maintenance services, is the proactive step that will ensure that companies get a full service life from their units and that operation is cost-effective.

When Is Water Tank Maintenance Required?

Guidelines from the American Water Works Association (AWWA) state that water tank maintenance is required to ensure that companies maintain sanitary tank conditions and periodically evaluate structural integrity.

Inspections should be performed by a water tank maintenance service that is approved to do so and on a schedule of every one, three, or five years depending on tank application, location, operating conditions, and any industry-specific safety and inspection requirements.

These services can also advise on matters of cleaning and other preventive maintenance as well as arrange for any necessary repairs to keep vessels in good operating condition.

When Are Water Tank Inspections Required?

Inspections by qualified agencies are used to assess tank condition and determine whether existing water tank maintenance protocols are being sufficiently followed.

Wet inspections can be done more frequently, but dry inspections involving the draining of the tank for a closer look must also be done periodically.

Water testing is also conducted to determine the quality and detect contamination, both of which can indicate different problems with the physical tank or its operating systems.

Also, since these tanks meet the OSHA requirements of a confined space, proper inspections should only be performed by approved inspectors who follow OSHA protocols on the use of protective gear and safety equipment.

How Are Water Tank Inspections Conducted?

Starting from the bottom and going upward, the outside and inside of each tank will be checked for a variety of problems to ensure various criteria are still being met.

Metal thickness, structural support integrity, thickness and adhesion of paint and anti-corrosive protective coatings are just some of the values checked during these inspections.

Water tank maintenance services will then make maintenance and/or repair recommendations based on the results of their inspections.

Maintenance is Key to Water Tank Longevity

When a water tank company properly invests in the required inspection and maintenance of their storage tanks, they can expect a lower financial cost overall throughout the life of those vessels.

Good water tank maintenance promotes the best performance of the equipment, lower repair costs as the equipment ages, higher water quality, and longer service life.

Collectively, it equates to fewer replacements over the years and more operating efficiency.